泰来斯特 joins 联合国全球契约 network

泰来斯特是 committed to the world's largest corporate responsibility initiative, 联合国全球契约. Participation in the community continues 泰来斯特's responsibility work 和 provides a functional framework for deepening it.

图尔库, 芬兰 – 28 August 2023 – The Global Compact is a corporate responsibility initiative established by the UN in 2000, which promotes the ecological, 社会, 和 financial responsibility of companies 和 communities. With its 更多的 than 23,000 participants, the initiative commits to 原则目标 that aim for sustainable development in terms of the economy, 民生, 还有环境. The network also supports 和 implements the UN’s basic values ​​related to human rights, 工作寿命原则, the environment 和 anti-corruption activities worldwide.

 “A sustainable future is a goal affecting the whole world, the achievement of which requires work from each of us. 泰来斯特 wants to bear its own share of responsibility by committing to the UN 原则 of sustainable development 和 acting in accordance with them. As a global technology provider, it is important for us to continuously develop our corporate responsibility 和 ensure that it is an integral part of all areas of our operations,泰勒斯特首席执行官说道 Esa Harju.

The companies 和 communities committed to the initiative form a global network whose common goal is to solve global sustainability challenges based on operating 原则 created by the UN. The companies that have joined the community are also committed to reporting on their activities 和 progress annually.

“We are happy that we have been accepted into 联合国全球契约 initiative! We have developed our corporate responsibility in the long term 和 now as a participant in the initiative we get an even wider reference development 和 also new tools for doing truly impressive responsibility work,” says 泰来斯特的 director of corporate responsibility Leena海

You can read 更多的 about 泰来斯特的 responsibility 和 sustainable development measures on 十大可靠彩票平台的网站.

Inquiries for 更多的 信息:
Mirkka Lamppu
Director of Communications, 泰来斯特 Corporation
电话. +358 2 2605 611


关于 泰来斯特 
泰来斯特 提供了 an integrated product 和 service portfolio that makes it possible to build 和 run a better networked society. Our solutions bring television 和 broadb和 services to, secure 你r safety in public 的地方 和 guide 你r use of public transport. With solid industry experience 和 drive for innovations, we are a leading international company in broadb和, security 和 信息 technologies 和 related services. We connect with our customers through a global network of offices 和 partners. In 2022, 泰来斯特的 净销售额达到欧元 165 百万美元 860 员工. 泰来斯特是 上市 在纳斯达克赫尔辛基. 更多的 信息, 访问 www.泰来斯特.com.